Wednesday, 26 August 2020


Today in tech we made masks. 
It wasn't that challenging but it was really fun creating the masks.
For my fabric I used deer or stags and it looks absolutely awesome
These are our masks.

Wednesday, 19 August 2020

The Earths Structure

I have been learning to understand volcanoes, what they do and where they are.

I digitally created that picture and removed the background f the photo's on it.

This was a pretty cool and fun activity to do

Hope you enjoy reading it and give back some good feed back.

Friday, 7 August 2020

Music Creations

Today I was Learning to use sound trap.

It is a really fun music app that anyone can use.

There was 1 challenge and that was putting the music on my slide.

I had heaps of fun making this and fingers cross it goes with my picture.